Honor and Memorial Gifts to Scranton Library are a fitting tribute to celebrate a birthday, holiday, anniversary, or another special occasion; to honor a loved one, a special teacher, or a co-worker; or to remember a friend or a relative who has passed away. The Library will provide acknowledgment of the gift to the honoree or the family of the deceased. For a gift of $50 or more, the Library will personalize a circulating library item in the subject area and/or format of the donor’s choice, if requested.
For a gift of $25 or more, you can designate an honor or memorial gift specifically for our Children’s Department. The Library will personalize the circulating library item using a bookplate. While the Library cannot honor specific title requests, please let us know if you would like the book to contain certain subject matter (i.e. a picture book about trucks, a non-fiction book about animals, or a fantasy chapter book) and we will do our best to honor the request. Click here for more ideas.
You can make a donation of this kind by either completing an Honor or Memorial Gift Form or donating online. If you are donating to the Children’s Department online, please provide the following information in the comment box:
“Children’s Department Book Gift”
Type of book you would like to donate + subject matter requests
Name to be put on the bookplate
Honor/Memorial Gift
Purchasing an engraved brick for yourself or as a gift is another great way to support the library. Simply return your completed Buy-a-Brick Order Form to the library anytime in person, or by mail. Brick orders are submitted to the vendor once a year on May 31st and installed annually in the late summer or early fall. Two brick sizes are available: 8″X8″, $300, six (6) lines of text and 4″x8″, $200, three (3) lines of text.

The E.C. Scranton Memorial Library is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.